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The Catapults are a network of world-leading technology centres designed to transform the UK’s capability for innovation in areas of strength and drive innovation to promote productivity and economic growth.
“The Catapult programme offers businesses from start-ups to Rolls-Royce the chance to develop technology in a world-class environment.”
The Times
“To innovate, we need open centres where academia and business can get together and drive forward great ideas into manufactured products. And that’s what the Catapults are delivering for us.”
Juergen Maier Chief Executive, Siemens UK
“We wouldn’t have been able to set up our own facility, we would have needed to invest tens of millions to access these kinds of technologies…. there are other centres but they are all abroad.”
Richard Price, Pragmatic Printing
“We have had some great input from the Catapult’s technical experts that helped us solve some key blockers early on in our business development. We have also found some excellent strategic partners through introductions the Catapult has made.”
Mish Gopaul, Co-Founder, Fatmap
“There is nowhere else we are aware of, which could have that kind of impact on an organisation.”